(S01-E01) Historic Voices Podcast Introduction

Welcome to the first episode in the podcast series, Historic Voices: Global History and Culture. Each podcast will feature voices of important people from the past. Some episodes will bring the voices of political leaders, common citizens who living during extraordinary times, and occasional entertainers who helped Americans live through difficult times. All the voices are authentic and come from open resources. I will provide a short introduction to the program and then another at the end to provide more historical context for the audio recording. Historic Voices Podcast brings the voices from the past that make history alive through their personal accounts and public speeches. This podcast is part of the LifePodcast Network composed of other family-friendly podcasts that bring a positive message of hope and inspiration. Check out the LifePodcast Network by clicking on this link, http://lifepodcast.net. Send email to me at arendale@umn.edu