Access Policies in Illinois

Task Force on Remedial Education. (2001). Collaborating to strengthen student preparation. Springfield, IL: Illinois Community College System. Retrieved July 4, 2004, from: http//
The Remedial Education Task Force identified priority needs for remedial education in Illinois.
Strategies identified for implementation included further alignment of standardized student assessment instruments; agreement on student placement parameters; reinforce current P-16 collaborations; promote earlier awareness of rising academic and workplace standards; development of strategies for earlier intervention in P-12 pipeline; intervene with students while still in high school; align high school graduation and college entrance requirements; provide more feedback to high schools concerning their graduates needing remediation; provide alternatives to academic term length developmental courses to remediate weaknesses; coordinate Adult Education, ESL, and college developmental programs; track students who enroll in remedial courses to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention; develop comprehensive student support systems that address both academic and nonacademic needs; provide remedial education via alternative educational delivery systems; provide professional development for full- and part-time remedial instructors to improve their skills and integrate technology within the classroom; and develop state-wide standards for remedial education courses.